Palliative Care

Patients are generally referred to the Palliative care team by one of the specialist consultants in the hospital. An increasing number of patients with non-malignant chronic conditions and are benefitting greatly from the service.

As part of a multidisciplinary team, the aim of palliative care is to enhance quality of life and wherever possible to positively influence the course of the illness.  The focus is on quality of life which includes good symptom control.  Patients may be referred to the service at any stage of their illness depending on symptom burden, from diagnosis through active treatment and for end of life care.  Palliative Care also extends to families to help them cope with their family member’s illness and their own experience of grief and loss.

Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life - threatening  illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical , psychosocial and spiritual (World Health Organisation 2002).


Our Palliative team

  • Consultant in Palliative Medicine

           Dr Patricia Sheahan




Patients are generally referred to the palliative care team by one of the specialist consultants in the hospital.  An increasing number of patients with non-malignant chronic conditions and are benefitting greatly from the service.

Referrals are made for the advice and/or assessment for the following:

  • Control of pain
  • Control of other symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, anorexia or nausea
  • Emotional / Psychological support for patients
  • Emotional / Psychological support for relatives
  • Arranging referrals to specialist community palliative care teams and palliative care units
  • Liasing with community care teams including public health nurse and general practitioners
  • End of life care

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