Back/Neck pain

Back pain or neck pain is a common problem and can affect 4 out of 5 of us at some point in our lives. Fortunately most episodes of back pain get better after a few weeks with simple management.

What is acute or chronic back pain or neck pain?

Generally pain that comes on quickly is called acute back pain / neck pain. It is usually caused by a simple muscle/tendon or ligament strain and typically settles within a few  weeks. For others the pain may persist for several weeks, months or even years – this is called chronic back pain. Usually spinal pain is due to a range of factors – which make treating this type of pain an exciting challenge for our physiotherapists here in Cork.

How can physiotherapy help back pain?

For most people with back pain or neck pain 75-90% recover within a few weeks. Sometimes, however backpain or neck pain can become more persistent and symptoms may include more than just pain and stiffness. Attending a physiotherapist can often prevent this and help you to have a happier healthier back in the future!

Physiotherapists are trained to treat all back pain and neck pain. Treatment may involve:

  • education on the cause of your back pain
  • exercise for your back such as Pilates
  • manipulations/ mobilisations to move the joints of the spine
  • acupuncture
  • taping
  • soft tissue techniques
  • advice on postures while at the work & school and correct lifting techniques

Our specialist physiotherapists are hands on using the most up to date treatment techniques. We place a strong emphasis on rehab through exercise and pilates to reduce your risk of re-injury.

At the Bon Secours Physiotherapy Department, we have highly qualified physiotherapists who are very experienced  in treating back & neck  pain. We strive to provide you with effective  expert care. Eithne Fitzpatrick, one of our Chartered Physiotherapists and APPI Pilates teacher has a special interest in treating patients with  chronic  pain.

Will I need to see my GP or a consultant?

If needed, our physiotherapy team can  discuss outstanding issues with your GP and/or appropriate consultant. We can offer a prompt referral service to our team of  Consultants and Pain Specialists. At the  Bon Secours Hospital we have Consultants that specialise in different areas of the body e.g. spine, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle/foot. Should x-rays, MRI’s ultrasound, Dexa scans be required, these can be arranged in our radiology department in  liason wth your GP or consultant. Joint injection under ultrasound guidance may be beneficial to some patients for pain relief,  allowing further rehabilitation with their physiotherapy.

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