COVID-19 updates and recommendations for patients on medications for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) as per Dr Zulfiqar Hussain, Consultant Gastroenterologist

Posted on: 26 Mar 2020

COVID-19 updates and recommendations for patients on medications for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) as per Dr Zulfiqar Hussain, Consultant Gastroenterologist

Patients are advised to continue taking their IBD medication. Your IBD medication helps to control any inflammation which prevents complications and damage to your intestinal tract. If you have any queries or concerns about your treatment plan, please discuss these with your doctor.

Patients taking medicines such as mesalamine (brand names include  Asacol®, Apriso™, Canasa®, Delzicol™, Lialda™, Pentasa®, Rowasa®) or other aminosalicylates, do not need to take extra precautions outside of CDC recommendations regarding proper hygiene/social distancing as these medications are not immune suppressants.  IBD patients are encouraged to read the article ‘What IBD patients should know about the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)’ on the Chron’s and Colitis Foundation’s website for more information . 

Advice for Patients on Immunosuppressive IBD Medications

IBD patients on immunosuppressive medications are in general, more susceptible to infection. Specifically, being on steroids or immune modulators like azathioprine or methotrexate can increase an IBD patient’s risk for viral infections.  Patients on immunosuppressive medications should try not to worry but take extra precaution by following the CDC’s recommendations for risk reduction 

If you are taking steroids (Prednisone/ Prednisolone) for any reason, be sure to take extra precautions by following the CDC’s recommendations for risk reduction. You should also speak with your healthcare provider about the options of lowering your steroid dose or perhaps to stop taking steroids. These are both common recommendations in managing IBD. 

Immunomodulators like thiopurines (brand names include Azathioprine, 6-Mercaptopurine, Cyclosporine, Methotrexate), and the JAK inhibitor tofacitinib (Xeljanz®) tend to inhibit the body’s immune response to viral infections. You should continue to take these medications and speak with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns. 

Patients taking medications such as Biologics/Biosimilars including certolizumab pegol (Cimzia®), Adalimumab (Humira®), Infliximab (Remicade®), golimumab (Simponi®), infliximab-abda (Renflexis®), Infliximab-dyyb (Inflectra®), infliximab-qbtx (Xifi™), ustekinumab (Stelara®), and vedolizumab (Entyvio®) should continue to take their medication as normal unless their healthcare provider advises otherwise. You can find a full listing of anti-TNFs and other biologic therapies on the Chron’s and Colitis Foundation’s website 

Patients whose medication requires an infusion should continue attending  their scheduled infusion appointments. It’s important to stay on your medications and go to infusion appointments as scheduled. If you have any concerns about visiting the Infusion Clinic, please discuss your concerns with your doctor. 


COVID -19  - IBD and Travel - 

• Patients on mesalamine should follow the CDC and their public health department’s guidance related to events and travel; use of this medication does not cause immune suppression and does not put patients into a higher risk category.  ◦Mesalamine medications are in the aminosalicylate category and include: (Asacol®, Apriso™, Canasa®, Delzicol™, Lialda™, Pentasa®, Rowasa®)

•Patients on immunosuppressants and biologics/biosimilars are encouraged not to travel or gather in large numbers. The common immunosuppressing drugs and biologics/biosimilars are listed below: ◦Immunomudulators: Azathioprine (Azasan®, Imuran®, cyclosporine (Gengraf®, Neoral®, Sandimmune®), mercaptopurine (Purinethol®), methotrexate (Rheumatrex®), tacrolimus (Prograf®)
◦Biologics/biosimilars: Anti-TNF biologics include certolizumab pegol (Cimzia®),adalimumab (Humira®), infliximab (Remicade®), golimumab (Simponi®), infliximab-abda (Renflexis®), infliximab-dyyb (Inflectra®), infliximab-qbtx (Xifi™). Other biologics include integrin receptor antagonists like natalizumab (Tysabri®) and vedolizumab (Entyvio®), and interleukin 12 and 23 antagonists like ustekinumab (Stelara®). 
◦Steroids: Budesonide (Entocort® EC, UCERIS™), methylprednisolone (A-Methapred®, Depo-Medrol®, Medrol Dosepak®, Solu-Medrol®), prednisolone (Orapred®, Prelone®, Pediapred®), prednisone (Deltasone®). ◦JAK inhibitors: Tofacitinib (Xeljanz®)


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