Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference, Bon Secours Hospital Galway

Posted on: 04 Feb 2019

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference, Bon Secours Hospital Galway
From Left to Right Sean Duignan, Mairead Carr, Mary Doody, Paula O'Reilly, Mary A Walsh and Maria Dooley, Bon Secours Hospital Galway


The 4th Annual Theatre Conference was held on Saturday 26th of January 2019 in the Discharge Lounge with 84 nurses in attendance. Attendees travelled from Roscommon Hospital, Galway University Hospital, Galway Clinic, and Bon Secours Hospital Dublin and there was a great support from our own staff in Theatre, Endoscopy, Dayward, Surgical Wards and Outpatient Department. The topic of the conference was Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Continued Education Units (5 CEU’s) were granted for the Conference by NMBI. 

Director of Nursing & Clinical Services, Ms. Mairead Carr, opened the conference and welcomed all the dedicated attendees to the day. Consultant Surgeons in the field of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Dermatology gave interesting and very informative talks on a variety of topics in the area. Prof Jack Kelly, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, gave an overview of the Bon Secours Health System and focused on developments and new services available at the Galway Hospital. He then continued with his presentation on Hand Surgery which was a fascinating insight into the skill and expertise that is required by his profession to save and repair the most horrific limb injuries. He included a variety of trauma scenarios to engage the audience into the organisation and teamwork that is required to give the patient the best possible outcome.

Dr Mary Garvey, Consultant Dermatologist, gave a presentation on Skin Cancers and the treatments available to patients. This was very informative and Dr Garvey highlighted the importance of being safe in the sun, early detection and specialist monitoring of any skin concerns in order to improve the chance of survival. It was a presentation that generated a lot of discussion at the Question and Answers section as it is an area of concern for so many people.

Leading on from Dr Garvey’s presentation, Mr Niall McInerney, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, gave a presentation on Skin Flaps & Skin Grafting particularly after removal of skin lesions. This was a very fascinating presentation as it gave everyone an insight into the level of planning that is required to ensure the patient has an appropriate flap or graft for the area required in order to ensure the best outcome for the patient’s wound.

Following coffee break, where the Restaurant staff provided a beautiful selection of freshly prepared food, Mr Niall McInerney presented on Breast Reconstruction Post Cancer Treatment. This presentation gave an overview of the decisions patients are faced with and the wide variety of options that are available to them including tissue flaps, tissue expanders, implants and fat injections. He stressed the importance of listening to the patient’s wishes and that some may choose to delay the reconstruction until further treatments have ceased.

Clinical Nurse Specialist in Breast Care, Catherine Armstrong then presented on the role of the CNS in helping patients through their journey. From investigations to diagnosis, surgery or other treatments and post op follow up service offered to patient, the CNS is a key person in a patient’s treatment.  She spoke passionately about the holistic care of the patient that is required at this worrying time which we all agreed is so important for our patients.

After lunch, Ms Ber Mulcahy, Director of Nursing, Bon Secours Hospital Cork, gave an engaging presentation on Building Resilience for Compassion Fatigue. This is an area that many nurses can relate to and her uplifting discussion was enjoyed by all the attendees. Her expertise in the area of mindfulness and tips to implement it in our daily routine gave us all food for thought and many alarms were changed for the following Monday morning! Her positivity and enthusiasm for self care was inspiring and was the perfect way to end a very successful day.

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